More Magick
Honor this precious time.
Honor this transition.
Bearing life is an ancient, multi-dimensional, mysterious rite of passage and deserves to be revered as such.
These additional layers of support are designed uplift and enhance your childbearing journey so that you may tune into the portal of your heart and connect to what’s truly present.
Bone Broths & Wellness Teas
During the postpartum period, it is important to be drinking warm, nourishing beverages. We are concerned with building the blood supply and giving you the proper proteins and spices that will help your body retain heat and encourage lactation. Guided by my ancestors and having trained with the Postpartum Healing Lodge, I have learned the art of slow simmer broths and of herbal teas.
I make Oxtail & Beef Bone Broth, Chicken Broth, and a Vegan Mushroom Broth that each come in 32oz jars for $20 each.
I also make an assortment of herbal teas that come in 16oz jars for $8 each.
Mother Blessing Ceremony
A journey into birth is a journey into the blessed unknown. In this ceremony, we gather with the loved ones and community members in your life so that we may honor you and shower you with love before you enter the ancient ritual of birth.
This is not a baby shower, it’s time carved out to honor YOU as you prepare for labor, birth and motherhood. Woven with rituals and beauty, this 2-3 hour ceremony is an act of self-love and self-honoring. It’s a time for you to tune into the Yin energetics of RECIEVING- to welcome the holding of those that love you. It’s a time to receive strength, inspiration and to melt into the care of those that have your back.
Closing Ceremony
A Closing Ceremony, also known as La Cerrada, is a practice gently bring you back to the edges of your body after major life transitions, experienced trauma, or great openings.
After birth, we typically begin to introduce La Cerrada after 4-6 weeks postpartum with the intention of recalling your essence and closing the birth portal. This healing ceremony seeks to honor you in your transitions from pregnancy, labor, birth and the immediate postpartum period. It’s a time that offers witnessing and, if ready, closure of the birth and immediate postpartum experience.
Deeply seeped in prayer, this work aims to calm the nervous system and bring warmth back into the body. It is a 4-hour ceremony and will include a series of practices including a Platica (heart to heart share) over tea, Yoni/Sacral Steaming, an Herbal Bath, Bodywork, Rebozo Therapy and Belly Binding.
Because there is much to tend to in this ceremony, I will be bringing in an assistant to support us as we honor you body and spirit and your journey so far.
Get to know the person behind Birth Magick
Wondering if we could make some birth magick together? Get to know what I’m all about.