Birth Magick Philosophy

When people feel empowered and deeply held as they walk this path, healing occurs.
This healing expands past the birthing unit, into the community and across the entire world. This is how we build a better world for our children. It begins at the origin of all things, at birth. No matter your race, gender, orientation, or age- if you are passing through the portals of childbearing, it is your birthright to feel empowered and held and to have access to this healing.

Your body is brilliantly designed.
Birth is a natural process that our basic biology understands. Most often, birth just needs to Be, without disruption. My work as a doula is to shift the narrative that birth needs to be a medicalized event. For those seeking an unmedicated birth, my goal is to create a safe container where you can tap into your body’s innate wisdom of how to birth your baby.

Radical, loving support for your decisions
This is your birth and you are welcome to birth your baby in whatever ways feel best for you. If a medicalized birth is what you desire, then by all means, do you. You are no less of a birther if this is what you choose. My goal is for you to look back on the birth of your baby and feel empowered. I’m here to promote a safe and satisfying birth experience, as you define it. I will never judge or question your choices. I am here to support you during this remarkable experience.

Birth Equity for All Bodies
In our colonized society, birth is yet another arena where marginalized groups experience inequity. Every person, every body, across all decisions deserves to have access to holistic healthcare and education about childbearing that specifically addresses their needs as well as the systemic oppression they may encounter in the birth world. As your doula, I am here to assist in your empowerment and to help you get the information you need to make informed decisions.

Sink In and Celebrate
This journey is worthy of celebration. This is your only pregnancy with this child. This your baby’s only birth. This remarkable experience is truly once in a lifetime. At Birth Magick, we take time to be in the sacred pause, to zoom out and sink into the wonder, joy, and honor this journey deserves. You are quickly approaching the next chapter of your life. Enter this gateway feeling empowered, beautiful, and proud of yourself.

Book a Complimentary Consultation
Wondering if we could make some birth magick together?
Let’s connect to see if we are a good match.