Belly Binding

Healing in the Postpartum Period

Postpartum traditions from all around the world seems to have three common understandings: the postpartum person needs to rest, to be deeply supported through nourishment and care, and they need to be kept warm. 

Your body opens profoundly during childbirth, expanding both physically and energetically to bring your baby Earthside. This opening takes several weeks to fully heal and close. Belly-binding is just one way to promote your wellness during this sacred window of time.

The style of belly binding I practice utilizes large elastic bandages from Mexico called vendas. Vendas are gentle, thin and do not cause restriction to breathing or movement. They’re best worn during the day when you’re likely to be most active and can be worn for up to 24 hours at a time.

After the birth of your placenta, your uterus will begin its journey back to its smaller size. It is safe and beneficial to bind with a venda as soon as postpartum vitals are stable. When we work together for belly binding, I would love to come to you within the first week of giving birth. Because of this, I recommend contacting me for belly binding services before your 37th week of pregnancy.

This style of binding is most effective within the first three weeks postpartum and is ideally worn a few times a week. However, even binding just once after birth holds amazing benefits for your physical and energetic bodies.

Belly Binding Benefits

  • Stabilizes lower three energy centers of body
  • Minimizes discomfort from uterine cramping
  • Helps organs migrate to pre-pregnancy placement
  • Relieves pelvic joint dysfunction pain
  • Stabilizes intra abdominal and chest cavity pressure
  • Brings a sense a security and "togetherness"
  • Supports uterine and abdominal integrity
  • Prevents diastasis recti
  • Regain bladder control
  • Keeps warmth in the womb
  • Allows fascia and ligaments to rest
  • Assists uterine involution
  • Improves digestion

My Unique Services

Our 90-minutes sessions are designed to create a sacred space where you can deeply relax and drop in with your body. After setting an intention for our time together, I will show you how to palpate your abdomen to check for your own body’s healing. Our ceremony will continue with bone holding and abdominal massage and lastly, binding with a venda.

I couple this traditional practice with intentional touch & energy work meant to soothe your nervous system and close the energetic opening that occurs during birth. Guided with visualization & meditation, this ceremony is intended to create a loving and restorative healing experience. 

In our sessions, you will be invited to take a sacred pause to honor your body and the major shifts and changes it has experienced to grow and birth your baby.

This is your Postpartum Sacred Window, a time when your body is experiencing recalibration and regeneration. I highly recommend multiple Belly Binding sessions to bring your body back into its full vitality.

Held Package

  • 3, 90-minute sessions of Belly Binding

A la carte sessions available as well